On the 13th July 2022, my dad and I found the perfect spot to see the supermoon from. This was the largest full moon of 2022 and it was spectacular.
We arrived and claimed a good spot that ensured a great foreground for our photos, and we set up our cameras and telescopes. There were other people around us who were also here to see the supermoon, which was great to see.
I was quite shocked to see how big and bright it looked, as I knew it was a supermoon, meaning it would appear bigger, but I was not expecting something as striking as this.
We watched the sky turn dark and the moon rise high into the sky, as it illuminated the sea beneath it. I enjoyed viewing the moon through the telescope, and observing all of the craters and the surface of the moon, as well as identifying Mare Serenitatis (the sea of serenity) and Mare Tranquillitatis (the sea of tranquility).